Thank you for your support!

JANM has dedicated itself to amplifying its voice. We will use our campus and our programs to examine how the lives, experiences, and culture of Japanese Americans intersect and resonate with the experiences of the many marginalized communities in the United States, past and present. Ours is an American story, and we will share it with hope and inspiration. Together, with the help and support of our community, JANM will use its national standing to inspire visitors through stories of resilience and compassion, examine the promises and pitfalls of America, and interrogate the legacies of race and inequality. Our strength will come from all parts of the community who continue to bring its history to life. We ask you to walk beside us in our journey, as we amplify the voice of JANM and lead the way to a more just future. Please make a gift today to help us continue our important work!


Gift Designation:

If you would like to restrict your gift to a particular program or initiative, or make a gift in recognition of a friend or family member, please let us know in the Comments section below. For gifts in honor of an individual, please type “In honor of” or “In memory of” and the person’s name. If you would like us to notify someone of your gift, please provide that person’s name and mailing address.